EA-Denmark | July Casual Social

Paludan Bogcafe Fiolstræde 10-12, København, Denmark

Do you want to meet the people running Effective Altruism Denmark? Then come join our next social! Socials are wholly informal, we usually just meet and chat. It is the perfect place to be if you have a burning question about Effective Altruism or if you simply want to hang out with like-minded people. We […]

EA-Denmark Summer Retreat 2024

🌿 EA-DK Summer Retreat 2024 🌿 Join us in the scenic Hundested. Meet other members, learn more about key cause areas and associated bottlenecks, and enjoy a weekend away from the city. 📍 Hundested 📆 30-08-24 to 01-09-24 🚆 Easy access from Aarhus, Aalborg, & Copenhagen. Pickups from Hundested St. Have talk suggestions? 📩 contact@effectivealtruism.dk  […]

chill club

Hi friends, Let's listen to a 30-min guided yoga nidra (deep relaxation) meditation together 🧡 Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mtf-sryv-omv

Paludan Bogcafe Fiolstræde 10-12, København, Denmark

Do you want to meet the people running Effective Altruism Denmark? Then come join our next social! Socials are wholly informal, we usually just meet and chat. It is the perfect place to be if you have a burning question about Effective Altruism or if you simply want to hang out with like-minded people. We […]

Journal Club | Sofie Meyer & Elliot Davies

Station - Student Innovation House Howitzvej 30, Frederiksberg

Join us for our first ever “Journal Club,” where participants present and discuss new topics in a focused and informal setting. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to introduce a subject unfamiliar to them, fostering a shared learning experience and insightful discussions. This session will feature Sofie Meyer and Elliot Davies. Sofie Meyer will discuss […]

Journal Club | Melis Gültekin & August Blicher Friis

Station - Student Innovation House Howitzvej 30, Frederiksberg

Join us for Journal Club, where participants present and discuss new topics in a focused and informal setting. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to introduce a subject unfamiliar to them, fostering a shared learning experience and an interesting discussion. This Journal Club will feature Melis Gültekin & August Blicher Friis. Melis will be talking […]

EAGxVirtual 2024

Applications close Thursday, November 14. Apply now! EAGxVirtual 2024 will take place November 15-17 online. The conference will focus on a diverse range of cause areas, local community building, and knowledge sharing. It will offer networking, workshops, presentations, and small group gatherings for around 1000 attendees dedicated to addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges. […]

EA-CPH | November Casual Social

Paludan Bogcafe Fiolstræde 10-12, København, Denmark

Do you want to meet other people interested in Effective Altruism? Then come join our next social! Socials are wholly informal, we usually just meet and chat. It is the perfect place to be if you have a burning question about Effective Altruism or if you simply want to hang out with like-minded people. We […]

EA-CPH | January Casual Social

Paludan Bogcafe Fiolstræde 10-12, København, Denmark

Do you want to meet other people interested in Effective Altruism? Then come join our next social! Socials are wholly informal, we usually just meet and chat. It is the perfect place to be if you have a burning question about Effective Altruism or if you simply want to hang out with like-minded people. We […]

Journal Club | Bjarke Frederiksen & Joachim Robert

Station - Student Innovation House Howitzvej 30, Frederiksberg

Join us for Journal Club, where participants present and discuss new topics in a focused and informal setting. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to introduce a subject unfamiliar to them, fostering a shared learning experience and an interesting discussion. This Journal Club will feature Bjarke Frederiksen and Joachim Robert. Bjarke Frederiksen will be talking […]